01July1983 The one who can smile even he's sad. Yes our angel without wings Park Jung Soo. :)

10July1983 Always get angry whenever he want haha! [Heechul: My mother and father created this face!!!] hehe.. Yes our funny, weird, unique Kim Heechul

09Feb1984 Hankyung no longer with us anymore T_T How's your solo career in China oppa? Must be tough right standing alone? We'll continue to support you. Our caring man, Mr. Beijing Fried Rice, and our Heechul HAPPINESS, Hangeng gone. T_T

24Aug1984 One word really suite him. DORKY DORKY DORKY haha! I love to call him Mr Octopus Dance lol! Our strong, dork, funny, cute Kim Jong Woon. [give me one of ur turtle oppa] ;D

17Jan1985 He's CRAZY LOL! His eyes will smile too whenever he smile^^ Our strong Racoon, funny, sweetcruel Kim Young Woon. ;D

28Sep1985 The only one chubby person that can dance very well. Without him we maybe can't laugh. He's naturally gagman. Our Shin Dong Hee oppa fighting!

01Jan1986 Nice person that I've ever met. :) Our marrtial art man, bunny,pumpkin and talented in everything Lee Sung Min! ^^

04Apr1986 Doing gags non-stop. Whatever he do always make people laugh. *Lee Hyuk Jae oppa, don't know how to get mad haha^^ He loves playing around with Donghae. 'EunHae' XD [monkey + fishy] EunHae friendship amazed everyone^^


10FEB1987 His dimples will make you melt^_^ He's hardworking man, success in acting career. Often doing WEIRD expression that make each of you laugh. Our derp, skinship addict, humble, caring, super muscle man Choi Siwon ^^

15Oct1986 He always make everyone smile, just like 5 years old kid. I just can't stop loving him LOL! He will always show the dance step like he want to destroy the stage [full of energy]^^ Our sexy fishy, strong, and kind Lee Dong Hae^^


21June1987 He got "MAGIC VOICE".. Loves to cook and always find out new recipe then cook for members. *wife type lol^^ Our cute chef Kim Ryeowook that love to drag his giraffe teddy ;D And now DJ-ing with Sungmin on SUKIRA replacing Eunhyuk and Eeteuk. :)

21Aug1987 The sheepish one, succeed in acting career. I wonder when he really wanna comeback to join Super Junior again. Really miss 'The Killer Smile' from our Kim Kibum. Oppa palli comeback!!!

03Feb1988 You cannot find voice that more beautiful than him. All members afraid of him even though he was the youngest bcoz he'll speak meanly and bluntly 'King of Sharp Tongue' lol dangerous ;D Our Cho Kyuhyun will gaming everywhere so we call him 'GameKyu' ^^
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