Tuesday 1 May 2012

I'm ELF forever~


When Hankyung still there with us long time ago, Heechul bright and calm face.. Heechul was so happy when Hankyung always be there for him.. Cooked for him.. Understood this weird guy and accepted everything bout Heechul.. Living together in the same dorm..
How happy this moment rite :')

Then Hankyung leave SUJU and go back to China.. T_T
Heechul cried on stage.. He was crying everyday but we can't hear him..
He was hiding in his room and moody all the time..
We ELF heard his heart and crying together rite.. :'(

“I can’t stop thingking about Hangeng after he leave me and the other members. I’ll always waiting for him until he comeback to Super Junior. Sometimes, I’m crying when I remember Hangeng, I don’t know why but I need him so much. I hope someday he will know all about my feeling. I miss the moment when Hangeng hug me and always comfort me when I feel sad. I know he already leave, But I will never forget everything about him.”  -Heechul

Their FRIENDSHIP got my first crying out loud for SUJU..
They show me how precious FRIENDship are.. T_T

Count them.. do you miss this number ELF? Are you crying?
No wonders coz I'm crying too :')

This is ELF fav quote rite? And whenever people see this they will said we are fanatic.. We are too much.. ELF keep crying and crying and hope they'll understand us rite? :)
They'll never ever understand us until they become an ELF too..

Are you tired ELF? Tired of crying?
Or you gonna wait till the day they standing complete with 13 members again?

You created this quote rite? So PROVE it~

THIS IS E.L.F...... EverLastingFriend..... blow your mind people.....
don't underestimate us.. T.T stop judging just from outside.. T.T

Let's continue ELF.. I will put a lot of old and new picture now..
And wanna see are you (ELF) gonna crying or not.. =3

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