I really miss all my memories in here...
I want intro all of you to one song that I like now because there own story in there...
try find title 'Atmosfera-Berakhirlah Sudah" in Youtube..
That song make me remember to my friends...
Bestie + 'Crazy' friends in the same time..
it's about there love story...

Then, the answer for that song is 'Laluna-Lara Hati'
it's about 'she' wanna that boy back to be her lover..
She still love her Ex-Boyfriend until now...

now, I want fine a song about couple be a friend..
have any suggestion?
because now there are be a friends...
maybe 'Teman Tapi Mesra' can replace it...
later.. I will intro you to them... the character for my story...